Debian Patches

Status for o-saft/19.01.19-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
tests.patch Remove calls Makefile tests They are not working right now, and it's high
likely that they won't work without either
patching it or compiling o-saft with an old
version of openssl (it needs so in order
to check for older protocols support)
Samuel Henrique <> no
makefile.patch General fixes to Makefile
* Use $(DESTDIR) as INSTALL.dir to install on the right place
* Remove calls to missing files misc.txt and _ciphers_*
* Use sh to call Installer on the install target and remove
the extra call to the file
This was forwarded in a PR and an issue:

Samuel Henrique <> yes

All known versions for source package 'o-saft'
