Debian Patches

Status for ogre-1.12/1.12.10+dfsg2-1.2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
cmake-disable-samples.diff Samples have been stripped from Debian due to license issues .
CMakeLists.txt however includes this subfolder unconditionally
despite OGRE_BUILD_SAMPLES=false
Samples have been cleaned-up in current master branch and can be
included in future updates

Simon Schmeisser <> not-needed
local-mathjax.diff Use MathJax from libjs-mathjax instead of remote CDN Simon Schmeisser <> not-needed
resources-cfg.patch Remove nonexistent resources from the configuration Miriam Ruiz <> no 2020-10-26
use-system-imgui.diff Use packaged imgui instead of downloading and compiling it Simon Schmeisser <> no 2020-10-27
remove_bootstrap_tutorial.diff Sample/Tutorial/bootstrap.cpp is missing a license header and was excluded Simon Schmeisser <> yes 2020-12-29
OgreGLSupport_1.patch [PATCH] CMake: GL* - prevent exporting OgreGLSupport for linking Pavel Rojtberg <> no 2020-12-21
OgreGLSupport_2.patch [PATCH] CMake: OgreGLSupport must not be mentioned anywhere in the exports Pavel Rojtberg <> no 2020-12-21
OGREConfig_fix_plugin_dir.patch [PATCH] use OGRE_LIB_DIRECTORY when determining OGRE_PLUGIN_PATH for OGREConfig.cmake Simon Schmeisser <> no 2021-01-04

All known versions for source package 'ogre-1.12'
