Debian Patches

Status for openblas/0.3.21+ds-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
arm-gcc-flags.patch Use flags suitable for armhf port when TARGET=ARMV6 See debian/rules for an explanation of why we can't use TARGET=ARMV7 on armhf.
Also, if we don't explicitly set the -march and -mfpu flags, the resulting
static libraries crash with SIGILL (reason not yet elucidated).
Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2015-04-29
kfreebsd.patch Various fixes for kFreeBSD shared library Under kFreeBSD, give a SONAME to the shared library and install it. Also link
it against libm.
Simply use the same code as Linux for all these operations.
Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2014-08-05
remove-openmp-warning.patch Remove warning about OpenMP This warning is annoying when the library is built with pthreads.
See #684344
Sébastien Villemot <> no 2014-02-17
no-embedded-lapack.patch Adapt build system for the absence of lapack-netlib/ and relapack directories. Instead use the binary provided by package liblapack-pic, stripping from it the
symbols that are overridden by OpenBLAS.
Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2017-07-27
shared-blas-lapack.patch Create shared libraries lib{blas,lapack}.so.3 * It is done so that duplicate code with is kept as low as
possible. Only the symbols from the external BLAS/LAPACK API are incorporated
in the shared libraries. The rest is obtained by dynamic linking against This also gives access to some extra OpenBLAS symbols, in
order to differentiate it at runtime from other BLAS implementations (see
The -rpath,'$ORIGIN' is there to ensure that the OpenBLAS flavour used is
the one selected in the lib{blas,lapack}.so.3 alternative, and not the one
selected in the alternative.
* See also override_dh_shlibdeps in debian/rules
* Also order the files when calling `ar' or $(CC), to make
the build reproducible (see #824639)
* Also link the shared blas and lapack against gomp (see #945791)
Mo Zhou <> not-needed 2020-07-31
matgen-symbols-not-included.patch MATGEN symbols are not included in Debian binary The libopenblas binaries do not include libmatgen code, so don't mark them as
exported and don't test for their presence (in linktest).
Sébastien Villemot <> not-needed 2016-03-24
combssq-deprecate.patch No longer check for symbols deprecated in LAPACK 3.10.1 Mo Zhou <> no debian 2022-08-14
pr-3718-ppc64el-segfault.patch [PATCH 1/2] Use blasint for INTERFACE64 compatibility Martin Kroeker <> no 2022-08-08
mips64el-utest-dnrm2.patch Fix FTBFS on mips64el The dnrm2_tiny and dnrm2_inf utests were failing. yes upstream upstream, 2022-09-14

All known versions for source package 'openblas'
