Debian Patches

Status for openh264/2.6.0+dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Add-x32-build-flavour.patch FTBFS on x32 architecture

openh264 FTBFS on debian x32 architecture:

The issue is caused by two things:

1. The -m64 flag passed to the compiler, on this architecture it should either be -mx32or no flag at all should be passed
2. When calling nasm, the elf64 format is used, it should be elfx32 here again

A new flavour of x86 should be added here
Laurent Bigonville <> yes 2022-06-17
Correct-.pc-s-libdir.patch Correct .pc's libdir
Write the $(LIBDIR_NAME) instead of a hard coded lib to the pkg-config
file's libdir.
Bastian Germann <> no 2021-10-08
Do-not-generate-version-from-git.patch Do not generate version from git Bastian Germann <> not-needed 2021-10-08
Prevent-building-armel-with-NEON.patch Prevent building armel with NEON Bastian Germann <> no 2022-11-28

All known versions for source package 'openh264'
