Debian Patches

Status for openhft-chronicle-core/2.17.5-v1.1.8-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
java11-compatiblitily.patch Fixes the compatibility with Java 11 Andrej Shadura <> no 2019-02-27
remove-boolean-string-constructor.patch Update String access in StringUtils

> The message “class [B cannot be cast to class [C” indicates that
> the method is trying to cast a byte[] array to a char[] array. Since
> the code location also has a name like FastStringUtils.toCharArray,
> I can guess what happens here.
> This class seems to hack into the java.lang.String class and read its
> value field in a questionable attempt of performance improvement. Since
> Java 9, this internal array is a byte[] array instead of a char[] array,
> which makes this hack fail at runtime.

Initially based on:

commit a8af29f932d73d8d1c6e44e49b68f9bb44905685

Tuning FIX to minimise garbage.
Peter Lawrey <> no 2016-03-02

All known versions for source package 'openhft-chronicle-core'
