Debian Patches

Status for openjdk-11/11.0.27~4ea-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
system-pcsclite.diff no
hotspot-mips-align.diff no
icc_loading_with_symlink.diff no
icedtea-override-redirect-compiz.diff no
libpcsclite-dlopen.diff no
jexec.diff no
default-jvm-cfg.diff no
adlc-parser.diff # DP: fixes an uninitialized memory issue in adlc no
multiple-pkcs11-library-init.diff # HG changeset patch
# User andrew
# Date 1352129932 0
# Node ID e9c857dcb964dbfa5eef3a3590244cb4d999cf7a
# Parent 1406789608b76d0906881979335d685855f44190
Allow multiple PKCS11 library initialisation to be a non-critical error.
s390x-thread-stack-size.diff no
s390x-opt.diff no
jdk-getAccessibleValue.diff no
jdk-i18n-pt_BR.diff no
disable-doclint-by-default.diff no
8199220.diff # HG changeset patch
# User enevill
# Date 1520877434 0
# Mon Mar 12 17:57:14 2018 +0000
# Node ID 81265b23c488c7fd03ebaee04d1802fc0ada737e
# Parent ecd91135d645bed6620abbd76ce30a906b6d7d44
8199220: Zero build broken after 8195103, 8191102 and 8189871
machine-flag.diff no
zero-x32.diff no
hotspot-disable-exec-shield-workaround.diff no
atk-wrapper-security.diff no
dnd-files.diff no
hotspot-libpath.diff no
reproducible-properties-timestamp.diff Makes the timestamp in the properties files header reproducible when SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is specified Emmanuel Bourg <> no
reproducible-javadoc-timestamp.diff Makes the timestamp in the javadoc files reproducible when SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is specified Emmanuel Bourg <> no
Don-t-optimize-fdlibm-fork-for-Zero-on-linux-sparc-Z.patch [PATCH] Don't optimize fdlibm-fork for Zero on linux-sparc (Zero) John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> no 2018-12-21
keep-gtk2-as-default.patch Revert upstream default to GTK2 OpenJDK 11 uses GTK3 by default for the GTK Look and Feel but it still
has too many pending issues and artifacts and is not on par with GTK2
support. This patch is the reverse of the upstream commit which ensures
that GTK2 is tried before GTK3.

When GTK3 becomes better supported we should drop this and update the
dlopen_jre_depends variable in debian/rules accordingly.
not-needed upstream upstream, 2019-03-27
riscv64.diff # HG changeset patch
# User enevill
# Date 1521985117 -3600
# Sun Mar 25 14:38:37 2018 +0100
# Node ID 7d1ae835ef5194e7ae5b56b51f944029fe602d11
# Parent 1b1de4b263c81853719f6bb0385fe23bc4e35f6c
8199138: Add RISC-V support to Zero
reproducible-character-data.diff Makes the generated character data classes reproducible (removes a timestamp and trims a build path captured in the comments) Emmanuel Bourg <> no
reproducible-module-info.diff Makes the generated files reproducible (removes a captured build path) Emmanuel Bourg <> no
reproducible-copyright-headers.diff Makes the generated copyright headers reproducible Emmanuel Bourg <> no
reproducible-build-user.diff Makes the build user invariant to improve the reproducibility (it appears in the interval VM version in Emmanuel Bourg <> no
reproducible-build-jmod.diff jlink: Hash of module differs to expected hash recorded in java.base The cause is the use of dh_strip_nondeterminism late in the build
process. This reorganises the jmod files, which in turn changes their
SHA256 checksums. This would not be a problem, except that the
checksums are saved in java.base.jmod *before* the use of
dh_strip_nondeterminism. Performing this stripping immediately after
each jmod file is created results in the checksums being consistent
Julian Gilbey <> not-needed debian
hotspot-test-fix-npe-on-missing-file.patch Test fails with NPE on dangling link We link libatk on OpenJDK's lib/ but it is a dangling link
unless libatk is installed. Since we don't build depend on
it the ModeJDKTest needs to be fixed to recurse only when
the source exists.
Tiago Stürmer Daitx <> no Ubuntu 2020-11-09
disable-thumb-assertion.patch Unable to obtain frame pointer on Thumb architecture ARM Thumb has os::current_frame() disabled. Disable associated test. Vladimir Petko <> yes upstream 2023-03-30
update-assertion-for-armhf.patch armhf does not support frame unwinding, simplify assertion os::current_frame() is stubbed out on armhf and this test fails.
Simplify assertion as there is no "from xxxx" output on armhf.
Vladimir Petko <> yes upstream
log-generated-classes-test.patch Skip test when getFileStore() fails Due to getFileStore() fails with exception
failing the test suite. Skip test when getFileStore() throws.
Vladimir Petko <> not-needed upstream 2023-03-27
update-permission-test.patch Add missing permissions for TestNG 7.7 TestNG has added more configuration properties, allow them in the minimal policy Vladimir Petko <> no 2023-03-24
ldap-timeout-test-use-ip.patch Replace hostname with a non-existant ip address In Ubuntu build environment we do not have DNS resolver, causing an unexpected test
failure. Use a non-existant IP address instead of hostname.
Vladimir Petko <> no 2023-03-27
test-use-ip-address.patch Use IP address in tests Ubuntu build machines are not set up for dns. Use IP addresses to get correct test
Vladimir Petko <> not-needed 2023-03-27
nss-limited-ecc-tests.patch no
loong64-autoconf-config.diff no
jdk-8307977-proposed.patch [PATCH] 8226919: Fix dynamic attach in Linux for non-container environments =?UTF-8?q?Sebastian=20L=C3=B6vdahl?= <> yes debian upstream 2023-04-18
use_clock64_fns_armhf.patch Dynamically link with *64 versions of clock_* functions On 32-bit archs that implement a 64-bit time_t, clock_* functions
linked via dlsym() should be the *64 versions of them. For example,
on such archs, we should try to link with __clock_gettime64 first
and fallback to linking with clock_gettime if the *64 version is
not available.
Pushkar Kulkarni <> no
jdk-8334502.patch use int instead of time_t to print timezone info printf() call uses %02d format specifier that requires an int parameter.

diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/os.cpp b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/os.cpp
index bdf93e1d3b4..d928dc55dce 100644
Vladimir Petko <> yes upstream 2024-06-19
jdk-8336529-proposed.patch (fs) UnixFileAttributeViews setTimes() failing on armhf, Ubuntu noble time_t transition in Debian/Ubuntu left 32 bit time_t symbols in glibc.
Looking up 'futimens' via dlsym returns 32 bit version of the function.
This is causing failure to set last modified time
(e.g. instead of year 2017 we get 1976 in the test).
Using the function directly correctly calls 64 bit versions.
When we lookup functions with time_t arguments through dlsym()
calls we should use 64 bit versions.
Vladimir Petko <> yes upstream upstream, 2024-07-17

All known versions for source package 'openjdk-11'
