Debian Patches

Status for openstructure/2.3.1-9

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
python-dist-packages.patch On Debian Python packages are stored in 'dist-packages', not 'site-packages'. Andrius Merkys <> not-needed
fix-quotes-in-ENV.patch CMake puts all strings having, for example, '~' in quotes, what breaks execution in Bash. Andrius Merkys <> no
skip-network-tests.patch Skip tests requiring network access. Andrius Merkys <> no
ost-compare-structures.patch Adding missing Python shebang. Andrius Merkys <> no
ost_config.patch Adjusting paths for Debian installation. Andrius Merkys <> no
skip-dssp-tests.patch openstructure is now incompatible with dssp >= 4, thus the tests fail if dssp is installed. This patch ignores the failing tests
until the upstream adapts the code, or removes it altogether.
Andrius Merkys <> not-needed
86c621b68f23f98fc30ed230be222ce4dd9432cd.patch [PATCH] bugfix: avoid Eigen assertion in FindMembrane with cmake flag -DOPTIMIZE=0

Eigen does not like to compute "Thin" U and V matrices in JacobiSVD when
matrix size is fixed at compile time. This triggers an assertion (optimized
away with -DOPTIMIZE=1). Since we're talking of a quadratic matrix here,
"Thin" and "Full" make no difference.
Gabriel Studer <> no 2022-04-28
b2798f24c37cb2ff0f46b929a4d41b4f3ce54a68.patch [PATCH] Only add interactions with non-zero force constant in TopologyCreator

Avoids triggering errors with more strict parameter checks introduced
in OpenMM 7.4
Gabriel Studer <> no 2022-05-02

All known versions for source package 'openstructure'
