Debian Patches

Status for openvpn3-client/24+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001_import-unicode-impl-from-llvm.patch Insert unicode-impl.hpp that is DFSG compliant When scanning the sources, the version used with unicode-impl.hpp has
a copyright header that is problematic with DFSG. There are more recent
versions of this file that have an updated copyright that are compliant
with DFSG. The upstream source has been adjusted by removing that file
and this patch inserts an updated copy. See debian/README.source

Marc Leeman <> yes 2023-11-30
0002_fix-openvpn-to-_openvpn.patch Remove hard coded `openvpn` user in meson files The build system allows to replace the default `openvpn` user with
some other name. This works for most services, but during refactoring,
3 hard coded references were omitted.
This popped up while packaging for debian since the system users should
be prepended with a '_'.

Marc Leeman <> yes 2024-12-06

All known versions for source package 'openvpn3-client'
