Debian Patches

Status for openvswitch/3.1.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
ovs-ctl-ipsec.patch Don't monitor ipsec daemon For Ubuntu systemd will monitor the ovs-monitor-ipsec daemon so
there is no need to spawn a separate monitor thread to deal with
restarts. Doing so has the side effect of confusing systemd into
monitoring the wrong process.

James Page <> not-needed
CVE-2023-1668_ofproto-dpif-xlate_Always_mask_ip_proto_field.patch CVE-2023-1668: ofproto-dpif-xlate: Always mask ip proto field. The ofproto layer currently treats nw_proto field as overloaded to mean
both that a proper nw layer exists, as well as the value contained in
the header for the nw proto. However, this is incorrect behavior as
relevant standards permit that any value, including '0' should be treated
as a valid value.
Because of this overload, when the ofproto layer builds action list for
a packet with nw_proto of 0, it won't build the complete action list that
we expect to be built for the packet. That will cause a bad behavior
where all packets passing the datapath will fall into an incomplete
action set.
The fix here is to unwildcard nw_proto, allowing us to preserve setting
actions for protocols which we know have support for the actions we
program. This means that a traffic which contains nw_proto == 0 cannot
cause connectivity breakage with other traffic on the link.

diff --git a/include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h b/include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h
index 045dce8f5fa..3b0220aaa25 100644
Aaron Conole <> no debian upstream, 2023-04-11

All known versions for source package 'openvswitch'
