Debian Patches

Status for openxr-sdk-source/1.0.20~dfsg1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0009-On-Linux-make-the-API-layer-manifest-have-an-absolut.patch Make the API layer manifest have an absolute install path Ryan Pavlik <> no 2019-12-13
0010-Mangle-API-layer-manifest-filename.patch Mangle API layer manifest filename with a configure-supplied string.
Since API layer manifests that can't be loaded get ignored,
this allows us to have multiple architectures in /usr/share
because they have unique filenames, and thus we avoid
deeper changes to the manifest search mechanism.
Ryan Pavlik <> no 2020-02-26
0009-loader_test-Add-to-CMake-as-a-test.patch loader_test: Add to CMake as a test. Ryan Pavlik <> no 2020-03-09
0004-Fix-GCC-11-builds-closes-984278.patch Fix GCC 11 builds, closes #984278.

Split the filesystem conditionals into a separate header to share with detection.

Better than including the code in this file.
Ryan Pavlik <> yes debian upstream 2021-08-13

All known versions for source package 'openxr-sdk-source'
