Debian Patches

Status for os-autoinst/4.6.1731418769.97d9a7fd-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Fix-python-interpreter-location.patch Fix python interpreter location
According to
=?utf-8?b?RnLDqWTDqXJpYyBCb25uYXJk?= <> not-needed 2020-11-05
0002-set-perl-path.patch set perl path Hideki Yamane <> not-needed 2018-09-24
0003-avoid-installing-another-copy-of-GPLv2.patch avoid installing another copy of GPLv2 Philip Hands <> not-needed 2021-09-29
0004-adjust-to-avoid-ocr-test-failure.patch adjust to avoid ocr test failure Hideki Yamane <> not-needed 2018-09-24
0005-refer-to-openvswitch-switch.service-Closes-983097.patch refer to openvswitch-switch.service (Closes: #983097)
Original commit: 541cd2cf50a329725059f55297c5156d45a8609c
Philip Hands <> not-needed 2022-09-28
0006-cope-with-a-test-env.-that-has-echo-in-bin-closes-10.patch cope with a test env. that has echo in /bin (closes: #1024240)
Debian is currently migrating towards merged-usr, in which everything is
under /usr/bin, but it seems our buildd systems still have the old
arrangement with /bin/echo rather than /usr/bin/echo, which breaks this
Philip Hands <> not-needed 2022-11-17
0007-disable-failing-needle-comparison-on-i386.patch disable failing needle comparison on i386 Philip Hands <> not-needed 2023-11-24
0008-skip-tests-that-depend-on-git-if-not-in-a-repo.patch skip tests that depend on git if not in a repo.
during a standard Debian build, the source is unpacked from a source
package (effectively a tarball) so one is not in a git repo, and cannot
use git grep.
Philip Hands <> no 2024-01-15
0009-skip-ustreamer-video-test-on-arch-s-where-it-fails.patch skip ustreamer video test on arch's where it fails
This test is causing the package to FTBFS, when it seems that this is an
unimportant, and arch related problem that only hits armel, armhf, i386
& s390x -- the s390x failure seems to be somewhat different in
character, but we may as well skip it there too, as it's in the same
block of code.
Philip Hands <> not-needed 2024-05-03
0010-on-ppc64el-cache-cleanup-test-fails-disable.patch on ppc64el cache cleanup test fails - disable
This is a workaround. It should be reported as a bug upstream, because
I'm not able to easily test it, and with luck someone there will
understand what's going on, because I don't. Will do that once it is
shown that this change fixes the problem seen on the buildd.
Philip Hands <> no 2025-02-08

All known versions for source package 'os-autoinst'
