Debian Patches

Status for osk-sdl/0.67.1-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
set-font.patch Move location of keyboard font

Debian places the required font in a different location to alpine
(upstream of PostmarketOS, who are upstream for this project). This
forces the correct Debian location to be used in the default config file.

whatis-entry.patch Resolves lintian warning for man page format.

To be upstreamed
0001-test-Don-t-intercept-osk-sdl-s-stderr.patch [PATCH 1/4] test: Don't intercept osk-sdl's stderr
The result file is expected to contain machine-readable output from
stdout, so only capture stdout, not stderr. This allows stderr to be
used for diagnostic messages as usual.
undef <> no 2022-01-04
0002-test-Optionally-add-more-delay-between-clicks.patch [PATCH 2/4] test: Optionally add more delay between clicks
This will make it easier to see what is happening when recording the
test procedure; by default, xdotool clicks only take 12ms and have no
delay between them, which means they can be less than a frame even at
60 fps.
Simon McVittie <> no 2021-12-24
0003-test-Optionally-record-the-test-as-a-video.patch [PATCH 3/4] test: Optionally record the test as a video
This makes it possible to see what is happening in a failed test.

Because osk-sdl uses simple rectangles of flat colour, the video
compresses very well (a few K).
Simon McVittie <> no 2021-12-24
0004-test-Run-osk-sdl-in-verbose-mode.patch [PATCH 4/4] test: Run osk-sdl in verbose mode
This gives us SDL's log messages, which will help to figure out what
is wrong if a test fails.
undef <> no 2022-01-04

All known versions for source package 'osk-sdl'
