Debian Patches

Status for parallel/20221122+ds-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove-overreaching-citation-request.patch Remove overreaching citation notice Quoting the gpl-faq:
> Does the GPL allow me to add terms that would require citation or
> acknowledgment in research papers which use the GPL-covered software or its
> output? (#RequireCitation)
> .
> No, this is not permitted under the terms of the GPL. While we recognize
> that proper citation is an important part of academic publications,
> citation cannot be added as an additional requirement to the GPL. Requiring
> citation in research papers which made use of GPL'd software goes beyond
> what would be an acceptable additional requirement under section 7(b) of
> GPLv3, and therefore would be considered an additional restriction under
> Section 7 of the GPL. And copyright law does not allow you to place such a
> requirement on the output of software, regardless of whether it is licensed
> under the terms of the GPL or some other license.
Therefore, removing this to make parallel GPL-compliant.

While I agree with the GPL FAQ I found the following change inside the
code while refreshing the patch:
# Before changing this line, please read
Thus this patch is again up for discussion.

# You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by removing
# these lines.
before the code lines we change in a patch. Andreas Tille does not think that this
kind of statements invalidate the right to change the code as it is granted by GPL
and was discussed above.

Ian Turner <> (for the documentation parts)
Didier Raboud <> no debian 2022-07-27

All known versions for source package 'parallel'
