Debian Patches

Status for pg8000/1.30.3-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Replace-versioningit-with-file.patch Replace versioningit with gernerated file
During the build process, we do not have the version information from the git
repository avialable. So we generate a static file with the correct version
number and use this as source for version metadata
Debian Python Team <> no 2023-11-13
0002-Fix-copy-tests-for-postgresql-16.patch Fix copy tests for PostgreSQL 16
PostgreSQL 16 converted a few datatype input functions to use "soft" error
reporting and changed the name of the function.
Alexander Sulfrian <> no 2023-11-13
0003-Fix-doctest-for-Postgres-15.patch Fix doctest for PostgreSQL 15+
Since PostgreSQL 15 'pg_analyze_and_rewrite_varparams' is used for the common
code to analyze the arguments of a query. Before the same code exists in
multiple locations (in 'exec_parse_message' and 'PrepareQuery').
Alexander Sulfrian <> yes 2023-11-16

All known versions for source package 'pg8000'
