Debian Patches

Status for php-doc/20241205~git.dfcbb86+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove-xkcd-mediaobjects.patch Remove xkcd mediaobjects Two xkcd images were removed from this package sources due to licensing issues
(see d/copyright). This patch changes the references to the (no longer)
embedded images to just reference the xkcd URLs.
Athos Ribeiro <> not-needed 2022-10-03
replace-non-free-stylesheets.patch Replace non-free stylesheets The css files defining the documentation pages layout are fetched from
during build time. These css files are not licensed under a free license and
are replaced here by a modification of the debian.css file provided by the
Debian's maint-guide package.
Athos Ribeiro <> not-needed upstream 2022-10-05
reproducible-build.patch Make the build reproducible Joao <> not-needed debian 2024-01-09
system-jing.patch Use system jing Jing is available in the archive, hence, there is no need to embed it in the
sources. Let's use it as a build dependency instead and call the binary in the
system PATH here. As discussed in the linked bug, upstream discarded the idea
of using the pre-installed package in favor of embeding the jar in their
Athos Ribeiro <> yes upstream 2024-12-06

All known versions for source package 'php-doc'
