Debian Patches

Status for phpliteadmin/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Remove-spontaneous-access-to-Internet.patch Do not access remote resources over Internet * Use locally installed CodeMirror.
* Disable version check on start up.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2019-09-13
Remove-using-build-date.patch Avoid using of build date to make build reproducible (Assessment of development period is based on commit dates in Git) Nicholas Guriev <> no 2019-09-07
Substr-may-be-empty.patch Check substr() returning value for empty string Since PHP 8.0.0 this function returns empty string instead of false value. Nicholas Guriev <> no debian 2022-03-08
Nonexistent-get_magic_quotes_gpc.patch PHP 8.0 compatibility regarding removed get_magic_quotes_gpc() Christopher Kramer <> yes upstream 2022-03-10
Classes-before-index.patch Define runtime classes before index.php content Nicholas Guriev <> not-needed upstream 2022-03-10
Deprecated-each-function.patch Replaced calls of the deprecated (removed in PHP 8) each() function with foreach loops Christopher Kramer <> no 2022-03-10
PDO-errmode-silent.patch Handle possible SQL errors the old way Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-03-10
Negative-parseSize.patch Fix parsing negative values of php.ini directives "memory_limit" may be -1 meaning no limit. Frankly, the conversion function is
no longer needed. PHP can parse numeric settings by itself.
Nicholas Guriev <> no 2022-03-10
Fix-newRows-XSS.patch Fix an XSS vulnerability with the newRows GET parameter Forcibly cast value to integer. Nicholas Guriev <> yes upstream 2022-03-10

All known versions for source package 'phpliteadmin'
