Debian Patches

Status for picard-tools/2.27.5+dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
20-shadowjar.patch do not use shadowjar Sascha Steinbiss <> not-needed
30-tests-fix-dataprovider.patch fix data provider requirements Sascha Steinbiss <> no
10-build.xml.patch Modifies the upstream build system. Vincent Danjean <> not-needed
40-tests-fix-testng.patch Fix testng version and disable some tests. testng below or equal to does not correctly map
long and Integers. This leads to test issues when provider [0,9] values
and methods expects a long (testng sends an Integer).
This patch disable some tests around this
Olivier Sallou not-needed 2018-09-18
50-tests-exclude-Barclay.patch There used to be a tes suite error with BarclayParser and so this test was excluded. It turned out that the error does
not occur under all circumstances - may be this patch can/should be
FIXME: Try next release without this patch
Andreas Tille <> not-needed 2018-12-01
remove_google_nio.patch Remove Google cloud storage Olivier Sallou not-needed 2018-04-23
fix_unreadabletests.patch some tests try to check that a non readable file or directory is correctly managed. However during Debian build, sometimes user is root
and unreadable is not effective. This patch removes related tests
Olivier Sallou <> not-needed
60-tests-exclude-network.patch command tries to determine local host name via inet addressthis fails in debian CI with network disabled Olivier Sallou <> not-needed
non-intel-skip-intel-tests Skip Intel tests on non-Intel Michael R. Crusoe <> no
correct_dataprovider_TestDontMergeAbuttingData.patch providing test with the right data types as arguments Test testActionsWithDontMergeAbutting needs to be provided with
three arguments, the second of which has type long. But the current data
provider sends an int.
Pierre Gruet <> yes 2021-01-28
com_sun_javadoc_removal_in_openjdk17.patch omitting the build of classes that use deprecated com.sun.javadoc package, which disappears in OpenJDK 17. Pierre Gruet <> no debian 2022-05-26
gradle_openjdk17_incompatibility.patch according to
the version of Gradle we have in Debian currently does not support the default
JDK, which is OpenJDK17. Until it does, some tests have to be deactivated as
they cannot be provided with the --add-opens JVM args they need.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-11-02
omit_BamToBfq.patch when switching from OpenJDK11 to OpenJDK17 in Debian, one byte became different between the reference and the generated file in BamToBfqTest:
00FF instead of OOOO. To be investigated... until it is, we remove the
BamToBfq class from the build and thus don't ship this tool.
Pierre Gruet <> yes 2022-11-03

All known versions for source package 'picard-tools'
