Debian Patches

Status for pipewalker/1.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
010_match-templated-args.patch match types for both parameters in functions f<T>(T, T) Some templated functions of type f<T>(T, T) on the code were relying on
template argument deduction from function arguments, but calling code was
using different types on each parameter. This compiled fine on amd64, but
caused the build to fail on i386.
This patch replaces the literals on those calls by static_casting those
literals to size_t.
PS: C++23 size_t literals could be used, if the application target that.
David da Silva Polverari <> no 2024-01-19
020_use-size_t-format-string.patch use proper format string specifier for size_t On its help, the program uses the %ld format string specifier for size_t
values. This compiles fine for amd64, but causes FTBFS on i386.
This patch uses the %zu format string specifier to format size_t values.
David da Silva Polverari <> no 2024-01-20

All known versions for source package 'pipewalker'
