Debian Patches

Status for poetry/2.1.1+dfsg-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Apply-workaround-to-fix-httpretty-with-urllib-2.3.patch Apply workaround to fix httpretty with urllib>=2.3
Apply from to fix
error in httpretty using urllib >= 2.3.
Emmanuel Arias <> no 2025-01-21
fix-env-manager.patch no
fix-tests.patch no
increase-sleep-time-in-threading-test.patch Increase sleep time in a treading test In Debian CI fails a test that use sleep(0.05) and in some machine apparently
they don't have enough time to finished. Thanks cjwatson to noted it.
Emmanuel Arias not-needed 2025-03-19

All known versions for source package 'poetry'
