Debian Patches

Status for postorius/1.3.4-2+deb11u1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-README.rst-remove-embedded-images.patch README.rst: remove embedded images The documentation files shipped with Debian packages should not embed
remote images, especially not from sources that are known to track
users (like
Jonas Meurer <> not-needed 2017-12-14
0002-PATCH-Check-a-user-owns-the-email-they-are-trying-to.patch [PATCH] Check a user owns the email they are trying to unsubscribe (CVE-2021-40347)

The list unsubscribe/ endpoint now performs validation that the user
making the request owns the email address they have requested be
unsubscribed. Without this check, any logged-in user could unsubscribe
any other email address from any list, also leaking whether that address
was subscribed in the first place.
Kunal Mehta <> no debian upstream, 2021-09-09

All known versions for source package 'postorius'
