Debian Patches

Status for prewikka/5.2.0-2.2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
002-fix_share_install_dir.patch Fix install dir for prewikka.wsgi With 'prefix=/', install_dir is also '/', so we need to force that share
is in /usr
Thomas Andrejak <> not-needed 2019-09-29
004-fix_underscore_js_name.patch Fix underscore js name changed Changed between version in Prewikka 5.1 upstream and the one
packaged in debian.
Thomas Andrejak <> not-needed 2019-09-29
005-Python_3_10_Support.patch Add support for Python 3.10 Thomas Andrejak <> invalid 2021-08-13

All known versions for source package 'prewikka'
