Debian Patches

Status for procps/2:4.0.4-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove_strtod_tests no
ps_no_path_max no
watch_hostname_max_define no
disable_sched_test Disable ps sched test Disables the command to test the class of scheduler used in ps -o cls
For some reason, some Debian buildds fail on this test, however running
the command in the environment works, chalk it down to buildd oddness
and move along.
Craig Small <> no debian Debian 2016-10-03
uptime_test no
makefile_w_link_systemd Makefile link w to libsystemd Craig Small <> no 2023-08-31
pmap_test pmap tests Make the double value check have a looser regex
Skip pmap -X 1 if the file doesn't exist or is readable
Craig Small <> no 2023-10-09

All known versions for source package 'procps'
