Debian Patches

Status for prometheus-mysqld-exporter/0.17.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Revert-alecthomas-kingpin-import-path.patch Revert alecthomas/kingpin import path

Newer versions of alecthomas/kingpin use a different import path. This patch
can be dropped once the golang-gopkg-alecthomas-kingpin.v2-dev package is
updated and provides the new import path.
Daniel Swarbrick <> not-needed 2023-07-22
0002-Sort-scrapers-for-reproducible-behaviour.patch Sort scrapers for reproducible behaviour

The scrapers are initialised from a map which has undefined sorting,
resulting in ordering changes in help messages and processing, and
ultimately in unreproducible builds due to changes in the generated

This patch fixes this problem by sorting the scrapers by name during
Martina Ferrari <> yes 2025-02-07
0003-Support-prometheus-exporter-toolkit-v0.14.0.patch Support prometheus exporter-toolkit v0.14.0

exporter-toolkit v0.14.0 introduced additional link rel attributes on
the landing page, and support for route prefixes, both of which cause
an overly brittle test to fail.
Daniel Swarbrick <> no 2025-02-19

All known versions for source package 'prometheus-mysqld-exporter'
