Debian Patches

Status for puredata/0.55.2+ds-1~bpo12+1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
libpd_visibility.patch reduce visibility of symbols in libpd

by compiling the binary with visbility=hidden
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> yes upstream 2021-12-21
libpd_example.patch Fix Makefile to allow compiling libpd example =?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2023-07-05
debian/pd2puredata.patch rename "pd" to "puredata"
in order to allow multiple flavours of Pd

to be installed simultaneously, puredata will install itself as
"/usr/bin/puredata" and provide an alternative as "pd"

This patch ensures that the "puredata" namespace is used throughout
(both installed binary and library-paths)
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2023-11-02
debian/usrlibpd_path.patch search /usr/lib/pd/extra/ for externals
since we install into /usr/lib/puredata/extra, the ordinary install path for
externals (/usr/lib/pd/extra) won't get searched automatically; so we need to
add it manually
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2023-11-02
debian/fixmanpage.patch fix URIs in manpage to point to some meaningful place =?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2019-01-29
debian/helpbrowser_puredata-doc.patch fix menu-entries in case puredata-doc is not available
if the puredata-doc package is not installed, some of the menu-entries (namely
the manual section) will not work correctly.
This patch checks whether the files are there, and if not, a dialog is raised
asking the user to install puredata-doc
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2019-01-29
debian/remove_timestamp-macros.patch remove C-macros for timestamps
For reproducible builds, we don't want timestamps in the builds.
Instead we should set the version to be displayed to the Debian
package version (use PD_TEST_VERSION) for this.
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2023-11-02
debian/etc-gui-plugins.patch search for GUI plugins in /etc/pd/plugins-enabled

this gives us a standard path where the user can symlink-enable their
system-wide GUI plugins.
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2023-11-02
debian/privacy.patch Avoid privacy breach in HTML

Use html5shiv-printshiv from the Debian node-html5shiv package
=?utf-8?q?IOhannes_m_zm=C3=B6lnig?= <> not-needed Debian 2024-09-12

All known versions for source package 'puredata'
