Debian Patches

Status for py-postgresql/1.2.1+git20180803.ef7b9a9-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-add_libpath.patch add_libpath: Add /usr/share/python3-postgresql to the py-postgresql libpath William Grzybowski <> no 2010-08-04
02-use_stock_crypt.patch Replace resolved/crypt with crypt from libpython3-stdlib to reduce licensing silliness Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> no 2014-01-23
03-fix_pgsql_vers.patch Fix for debian suffix on pg_config --version William Grzybowski <> no debian 2019-07-12
04-python-3.10.patch Require 3.3 minimum and update collections references to per deprecation warnings.

* Clean abc usage by preferring register over multiple inheritance.
* Eliminate more types-as-docs
* Relocate api.Connection.query to api.Database.query.

postgresql.api has been somewhat neglected and should be given a thorough evaluation.
James William Pye <> no debian upstream, 2021-11-18
05-python-3.10-part2.patch Update imports to Stefano Rivera <> yes debian 2021-11-18

All known versions for source package 'py-postgresql'
