Debian Patches

Status for pydispatcher/2.0.7-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Change-relative-link.patch Change relative link.
We don't preserve the exact directory structure of upstream's
docs, so the relative link needs to be adjusted.
Neil Muller <> no 2015-11-06
Use-pydoc.visiblename-to-filter-doc-generation.patch Use pydoc.visiblename to filter doc generation
To improve the reproduciblity of the documentation build, we use the
pydoc.visiblename function to filter out private attributes which
contain path information, such as __file__ and __cached__ .
Neil Muller <> no 2019-12-27
Handle-changes-to-pydoc.HTMLDoc-heading-section-arguments.patch [PATCH] Handle changes to pydoc.HTMLDoc heading/section arguments in Python 3.11

This fixes a documentation build failure with Python 3.11,
because the heading/section colours are now set via CSS
and so the colour arguments no longer exist.

Also the section cls argument was introduced in Python 3.11,
create that based on slugifying the title argument.
Paul Wise <> no 2023-01-22
remove-unused-imports.patch Remove unused imports
This includes removing `imp`, which was removed in Python 3.12.
Colin Watson <> yes 2025-02-13

All known versions for source package 'pydispatcher'
