Debian Patches

Status for pytables/3.9.2-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-use-dynamic-lib.patch use dynamic lib
The setup script detects the static version of the lzo2 library instead of
the dynamic version (that is now located in a multi-arch path).
This causes a link error due to not relacable code (missing -fPIC flag
at compile time)

Now the dynamic version of the lzo2 library is located in a multiarch path so
sthe setup script
Antonio Valentino <> no 2013-08-23
0002-use-local-mathjax.patch use local mathjax Antonio Valentino <> not-needed 2017-06-29
0003-remove-gtags.patch remove gtags
Remove Google Analytics script from the doc template layout to
avoid privacy-breach-generic.
Antonio Valentino <> no 2018-04-22
0004-Skip-index-backcompat-tests-on-bingendian.patch Skip index backcompat tests on bingendian Antonio Valentino <> not-needed 2019-08-03
0005-No-python-blosc2.patch No python-blosc2 Antonio Valentino <> not-needed 2024-04-07

All known versions for source package 'pytables'
