Debian Patches

Status for pytango/10.0.0-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Use-jquery-from-the-archive.patch Use jquery from the archive Bodo-Merle Sandor <> no 2023-05-24
0002-Added-gevent-to-instal_requires.patch Added gevent to instal_requires =?utf-8?q?Picca_Fr=C3=A9d=C3=A9ric-Emmanuel?= <> no 2023-05-24
ftbfs-ipv6.patch ftbfs-ipv6

This patch is a stop-gap measure for pytango 9.3.6. As you can see in the
upstream bug discussion, cppTango and pytango have changed and it will not work
for newer releases. The underlying issue likely is on the cppTango side.

Fundamentally, an IPv6-only machine does not have any IPv4-addresses beyond and resolving its hostname using A records does not yield an answer.
cppTango/pytango inconsistently deal with localhost and sometimes resolve it as
IPv6 and this protocol misatch can result in test failures, which is why it has
used an IPv4 address explicitly. We now change that to (rather than
localhost) to consistently get an available IPv4 address. This time, it
practically works on Debian's buildds.
Helmut Grohne <> no debian 2023-05-24
0005-Compute-BOOST_PYTHON_SUFFIX-based-on-Python-version-.patch Compute BOOST_PYTHON_SUFFIX based on Python version in use Roland Mas <> no 2024-07-02
0006-Increase-timeout-to-make-testsuite-more-resilient.patch Increase timeout to make testsuite more resilient Roland Mas <> no 2024-07-25
disable-tests.patch Temporarily disable tests that fail - version 10.0 tests/ is completely disable (via pyproject.toml), because its
tests regularly fail. (See #1091861)

Santiago Ruano Rincón <> not-needed
python_test_databaseds.patch Run python according to the path passed by debian/rules start_database() has "python" hard-coded, which makes that it run the default
python interpreter even in multiple-version scenarios.

Santiago Ruano Rincón <> not-needed debian 2024-11-29 [PATCH] assert_close more tolerant for booleans matveyev <> yes upstream upstream, 2024-12-04

All known versions for source package 'pytango'
