Debian Patches

Status for pytest-httpx/0.30.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Allow-multiple-builds.patch Allow multiple builds
The [tool.setuptools.packages.find] section in 'pyproject.toml' was
removed because it didn't affect the generated wheel, as the wheel still
excluded the 'tests' directory with this section removed.

Including [tool.setuptools.packages.find] caused issues with multiple
builds of the package. This led to the creation of infinite nested
'build/lib/build/lib' directories. By removing this section, the default
behaviour now ignores 'build*' directories, preventing these problems.

For more details, refer to the related discussion on the setuptools:

Edward Betts <> no 2024-05-24

All known versions for source package 'pytest-httpx'
