Debian Patches

Status for python-biopython/1.85+dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove_mathml-qname.patch Remove non DFSG free DTD Andreas Tille <> yes 2014-04-30
privacy_breach.patch Do not use privacy-breach-logo Andreas Tille <> not-needed 2015-05-12
privacy_breach_ie9.patch fix privacy breach with html5shiv
Actually the script called is commented out, except when reading the page with
Internet Explorer 9. This patch makes sure the script is not called at all,
even if it is very unlikely that HTML document installed in Debian will ever
be read with this browser.
=?utf-8?q?=C3=89tienne_Mollier?= <> not-needed 2020-09-11
croak-on-muscle5.patch raise runtime error when trying to use wrapper on muscle 5.

The muscle wrapper only supports muscle 3, and the biopython project is aiming
to remove wrapper support in an upcoming version. Port of the wrapping code
to support both muscle versions will thus probably never happen. The affected
code section is due to disappear in an upcoming biopython version and it thus
not forwarded upstream.
=?utf-8?q?=C3=89tienne_Mollier?= <> yes debian upstream 2024-09-14
muscle3.patch expect muscle3 as executable instead of muscle.
When installed concurrently, muscle3 may be a preferable default over plain
muscle because the latter would probably be muscle 5, which is not compatible
with the biopython wrapper.

Forwarding is not needed since wrappers are deprecated and due to be removed
in an upcoming biopython version.
=?utf-8?q?=C3=89tienne_Mollier?= <> not-needed debian 2022-11-24
skip-scipy-in-codonalign.patch skip scipy tests within test_Align_codonalign. Note that this patch may be related to #1086108. Chances are it will
be removable once the bug is resolved.

This patch is introduced to give some breath to Risc-V CI runners while
the core of the problem is investigated.
=?utf-8?q?=C3=89tienne_Mollier?= <> not-needed debian 2024-08-25
fix-type-cast-i386.patch fix test failure on 32-bit platforms. This fixes the following symptom while running the test suite of
Biopython on 32-bit processors:
File "/builds/med-team/python-biopython/debian/output/source_dir/.pybuild/cpython3_3.12/build/Bio/PDB/", line 85, in _run_length_decoder
decoded_data = np.repeat(data[::2].astype(dtype), data[1::2])
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 466, in repeat
return _wrapfunc(a, 'repeat', repeats, axis=axis)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 68, in _wrapfunc
return _wrapit(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 45, in _wrapit
result = getattr(asarray(obj), method)(*args, **kwds)
TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('uint32') to dtype('int32') according to the rule 'safe'
Étienne Mollier <> no 2024-09-16

All known versions for source package 'python-biopython'
