Debian Patches

Status for python-charset-normalizer/3.4.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
mypyc-debug-symbols Produce debugging symbols "Michael R. Crusoe" <> not-needed 2024-09-19
docs-Prevent-possible-privacy-issue-to-a-linked-image.patch docs: Prevent possible privacy issue to a linked image
Remove a linkage to a GIF image that isn't really needed within the -doc
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-26
Make-the-build-reproducible-assure-stable-order-use-a-tup.patch Make the build reproducible: assure stable order, use a tuple instead of a set Mattia Rizzolo <> no 2024-09-19

All known versions for source package 'python-charset-normalizer'
