Debian Patches

Status for python-django/3:4.2.19-1~bpo12+1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-disable-sources-in-sphinxdoc.diff Disable creation of _sources directory by Sphinx
We do this to save some space as the sources of the documentation
are not really useful in a binary package.
This is a Debian specific patch.
=?utf-8?q?Rapha=C3=ABl_Hertzog?= <> not-needed vendor 2015-10-11
0002-use_debian_geoip_database_as_default.diff Use Debian GeoIP database path as default
Default to Debian standard path for GeoIP directory and for GeoIP city
file. Avoids the need to declare them in each project.
This is a Debian specific patch.
Tapio Rantala <> not-needed debian 2015-10-11
0004-Use-locally-installed-documentation-sources.patch Use locally installed documentation sources Brian May <> no 2017-06-24
0004-Set-the-default-shebang-to-new-projects-to-use-Pytho.patch Set the default shebang to new projects to use Python 3. Chris Lamb <> no 2017-09-24
py313-test-help-default-options-with-custom-arguments.patch Refs #34900 -- Fixed CommandTypes.test_help_default_options_with_custom_arguments test on Python
Mariusz Felisiak <> yes debian upstream backport, 2025-01-02

All known versions for source package 'python-django'
