Debian Patches

Status for python-django-pgschemas/0.15.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Remove-djcommanddoc-extension-from-documentation-not.patch Remove djcommanddoc extension from documentation, not packaged yet for Debian. Michael Fladischer <> no 2022-10-30
0002-Make-database-user-configurable-through-environment.patch Make database user configurable through environment. Michael Fladischer <> no 2022-10-30
0003-Remove-remote-badges-to-prevent-privacy-issues.patch Remove remote badges to prevent privacy issues. Michael Fladischer <> no 2022-10-30
0004-Replace-assertEquals-with-assertEqual.patch Replace assertEquals with assertEqual. Michael Fladischer <> no 2024-01-21
0005-Remove-distutils-code-in-preparation-for-Python-3.12.patch Remove distutils code in preparation for Python 3.12. Michael Fladischer <> no 2024-01-21

All known versions for source package 'python-django-pgschemas'
