Debian Patches

Status for python-eventlet/0.33.1-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Removes-line-that-is-doing-FTBFS-in-doc.patch Removes line that is doing FTBFS in doc Thomas Goirand <> no 2017-08-04
0002-Fixed-privacy-breach-in-examples.patch Fixed privacy breach in examples
Upstream is referencing external websites, we don't allow this.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2015-05-27
0003-Allow-more-busy-CPU.patch Allow more busy CPU
The tests assume a fast CPU, but under my VMs, the tests are just failing
with the CPU being more than 10% busy.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2016-07-19
0004-Remove-networking-tests.patch Remove networking tests
Upstream is attempting connection to on port 80, and expects
it to always timeout. However, some Debian users may well have a web
server running on that IP address, meaning the test would fail in such
setup (even if this is reserved IANA IPs). Therefore, removing such bad
Also, these tests have been failing for a reason on my arm64 builder,
probably because it's a slow machine.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2016-07-19
0005-Removed-failing-test.patch Removed failing test
This test fails in Sid.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2016-10-07
0006-Patch-out-intersphinx.patch Patch out intersphinx
Avoids internet access during build
Thomas Goirand <> no debian 2016-10-08
0008-Disable-test_server_connection_timeout_exception.patch Disable test_server_connection_timeout_exception()
As per the bug report, the test is non-deterministic. Therefore,
remove it it.
Thomas Goirand <> no debian 2017-03-16
0009-Removed-test_urllib-that-is-failing-in-py36.patch Removed test_urllib that is failing in py36 Thomas Goirand <> no 2017-11-14
remove-non-deterministic-test_communicate_with_poll.patch Remove non-deterministic test_communicate_with_poll() This patch fails sometimes, which isn't acceptable in Debian, so I'm
removing it to avoid issues.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2020-10-14
py310_fix1.patch <short summary of the patch> TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
python-eventlet (0.33.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
* Uploading to unstable.
* Run unit tests at build time.
* Add py310-Fix-_fix_py3_rlock.patch (Closes: #1009112).
Thomas Goirand <> no debian Fix using collections.iterable in py 3.10 Thomas Goirand <> no 2022-09-12
greenio_GreenPipe_fdopen_with_a_in_mode_raisewd_io.UnsupportedOperation.patch [PATCH] greenio: GreenPipe/fdopen() with 'a' in mode raised io.UnsupportedOperation: File or stream is not writable

wuming0 <> no upstream, 2022-09-15
remove_test_patcher_existing_locks_locked.patch Remove test_patcher_existing_locks_locked() This is a temporary solution until a better patch can be written, which
is currently too much for my skills.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2022-09-16
Fix_greendns_for_dnspython_2.3.0+.patch Fix greendns for dnspython 2.3.0+ dnspython added more type annotations in 2.3.0 -- because of how we
reimport the package piece by piece, though, not all of the types would
be available during reimport, leading to AttributeErrors like
module 'dns.rdtypes' has no attribute 'ANY'
Now, do all of our rdtypes special-handling *first*, before reimporting
any other submodules.

diff --git a/eventlet/support/ b/eventlet/support/
index b2f77ab4f..6b5a6cb72 100644
Tim Burke <> no upstream, 2023-01-24

All known versions for source package 'python-eventlet'
