Debian Patches

Status for python-grpc-tools/1.14.1-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
setuptools-60 Import setuptools before distutils
setuptools 60 uses its own bundled version of distutils, by default. It
injects this into sys.modules, at import time. So we need to make sure
that it is imported, before anything else imports distutils, to ensure
everything is using the same distutils version.

This change in setuptools is to prepare for Python 3.12, which will drop
Stefano Rivera <> not-needed debian 2021-12-21
cython-0.29.32 bump autogenerated cython file _protoc_compiler.cpp
This file is autogenerated, and should have been excluded from the
source archive. Since the version of cython in Debian is now newer than
the version used by upstream during the source import, the content of
the file is changed.

This patch is a quick fix to align the content of the file with the
newer version of cython. It can be dropped if the package is updated,
because the proper solution would be to create a +ds source archive
excluding this autogenerated file in the first place.
Agathe Porte <> not-needed debian 2023-02-12

All known versions for source package 'python-grpc-tools'
