Debian Patches

Status for python-mkdocs/1.6.1+dfsg1-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
debian-hacks/Use-themes-from-usr-share-mkdocs-themes.patch Use themes from /usr/share/mkdocs/themes
Brian May <> no 2016-05-02
debian-hacks/Disable-use_directory_urls-configuration-option.patch Disable use_directory_urls configuration option
To make it easier to browse the documentation locally.
Dmitry Shachnev <> not-needed 2018-05-20
debian-hacks/Disable-the-Markdown-GitHub-links-extension.patch Disable the Markdown GitHub links extension
Until it is packaged in Debian.
Dmitry Shachnev <> not-needed 2018-08-10
debian-hacks/Do-not-assert-that-webfonts-directory-exists.patch Do not assert that webfonts directory exists
We exclude that directory when building the DFSG tarball, and replace
the fonts with symlinks to packaged versions.
Dmitry Shachnev <> not-needed 2018-08-10
debian-hacks/Make-toc.html-look-better-with-default-Bootstrap-theme.patch Make toc.html look better with default Bootstrap theme Dmitry Shachnev <> not-needed 2020-08-27
upstream/Update-IpAddress-tests-for-Python3.9.5.patch Update IpAddress tests for Python3.9.5
(cherry picked from commit 775d506c63d4b57553110ee56b8c1f94d336e1f7)
=?utf-8?b?w4FsdmFybyBNb25kw6lqYXI=?= <> yes 2021-05-08
debian-hacks/docs-Disable-Google-Analytics-in-mkdocs-doc.patch docs: Disable Google Analytics in mkdocs-doc
We don't want nor need the usage of Google Analytics within the Debian
packages, so set the value' finally to
'None' which disables the usage the JS code inside { if } { endif }.
Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-03-28
debian-hacks/s390x-Work-around-unittest-issue.patch s390x: Work around unittest issue
The test test_rebuild_after_delete is failing on s390x. Given this
architecture isn't a usual desktop system let us ignore this test.
Upstream probably won't work on this issue.
Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-10-09
debian-hacks/docs-Adjust-embedded-HTML-for-local-browsing.patch docs: Adjust embedded HTML for local browsing
Colin Watson <> not-needed 2024-12-26

All known versions for source package 'python-mkdocs'
