Debian Patches

Status for python-molotov/2.1-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Disable-tests-if-they-require-Internet-access.patch Update: Disable tests if they require Internet access Emmanuel Arias <> no 2020-11-16
0002-Skip-tests-are-not-supposed-to-FTBFS-randomly.patch Update: Skip tests are not supposed to FTBFS randomly
Patch created by Santiago Vila
Emmanuel Arias <> no 2020-11-17
0003-Disable-session-tests-they-doesn-t-work-with-newer-aiohttp.patch Update: Disable session tests, they doesn't work with newer aiohttp Emmanuel Arias <> no 2020-11-17
0004-unbreak-test.patch [PATCH] tests tweaks Tarek Ziade <> no 2020-11-18
0005-Python-3.10-support.patch Python 3.10 support
Python 3.10 dropped support for the loop parameter to asyncio.sleep()
and gather(), the default loop is used instead. I haven't audited
whether any of these code paths now need to use set_default_loop(), but
tests pass, so... LGTM?

Support for using the default loop was only added in 3.7, so this drops
support for Python 3.6.
Stefano Rivera <> yes debian 2022-03-25
0006-Python-3.11-support.patch Pick changes from upstream to fix corresponding test with python3.11 Nilesh Patra <> not-needed 2022-11-25

All known versions for source package 'python-molotov'
