Debian Patches

Status for python-publicsuffix2/2.20191221-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
use-system-psl.patch Default to use system copy of PSL The Debian publicsuffix package provides regular updates from upstream, so it
is much more suitable for use than the embeeded copy from publisuffix2. The
patch sets the default to the Debian system PSL and modifies the package
build system so the embedded copy is not included.

Scott Kitterman <> not-needed vendor 2020-01-24
add-upstream-tests.patch Add tests from upstream (GitHub - not included in sdist) Until upstream includes test in the sdist, we add them this way. Scott Kitterman <> not-needed upstream 2020-01-25

All known versions for source package 'python-publicsuffix2'
