Debian Patches

Status for python-trio-websocket/0.12.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Privacy-Remove-any-linking-to-non-relevant-stuff.patch Privacy: Remove any linking to non relevant stuff
Removing external linking to any graphics that are hosted by external
resources, no need to have images about the build status, code coverage
within Debian. Some users are behind firewalls and can't reach this
stuff anyway.
Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-09-23
Sphinx-Use-trio-intersphinx.patch Sphinx: Use trio intersphinx
As the Trio documentation is packaged we can use a intershinx
mapping to internal source mappings.
Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-09-23

All known versions for source package 'python-trio-websocket'
