Debian Patches

Status for qbe/1.2-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Makefile-add-explicit-target-to-test-the-x86_64-back.patch [PATCH 1/3] Makefile: add explicit target to test the x86_64 backend
When developing on an arm64 machine, it's useful to be able to test the
x86_64 target.
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2025-02-19 [PATCH 2/3] tools/ allow running against installed package
If $bin is set in the environment, use it instead of using `qbe` from
the source tree. The same for $binref. This supports the following use

- I have a qbe package installed, and I want to test my local changes
with the installed packages as a reference:

$ binref=/usr/bin/qbe ./tools/ all

- I want to test the installed qbe against new tests that I have
written, to reproduce a bug:

$ bin=/usr/bin/qbe ./tools/ test/newtest.ssa

In Debian, we also run tests against the installed package when
dependencies change, etc. We will also run on several architectures
where the necessary cross compilers might not be available. So make
tests that cannot be run because of a missing compiler exit with 77,
signaling to Debian's autopkgtest that the test is skipped.
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2025-02-19 [PATCH 3/3] tools/ test the native architecture without QEMU
While at it, extract most duplicated code across targets into a
Antonio Terceiro <> no 2025-02-20

All known versions for source package 'qbe'
