Debian Patches

Status for qtconnectivity-opensource-src/5.15.15-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
CVE-2025-23050.diff QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluez: guard against malformed replies The QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluez::l2cpReadyRead() slot reads the
data from a Bluetooth L2CAP socket and then tries to process it
according to ATT protocol specs.
However, the code was missing length and sanity checks at some
codepaths in processUnsolicitedReply() and processReply() helper
methods, simply relying on the data to be in the proper format.
This patch adds some minimal checks to make sure that we do not read
past the end of the received array and do not divide by zero.
This problem was originally pointed out by Marc Mutz in an unrelated
Conflict resolution for 5.15: adjusted the patch to the fact that
there is no QBluezConst::AttCommand enum in this branch, and the
code uses quint8 to represent the ATT commands. This required to
change the debug message in reportMalformedData() function.
no upstream, 2025-01-29

All known versions for source package 'qtconnectivity-opensource-src'
