Debian Patches

Status for qtcontacts-sqlite/0.3.20-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1003_ContactReader-support-case-insensitive-search.patch ContactReader: support case insensitive search It's not clear why the case insensitive filter was limited to the
MatchFixedString, as that makes impossible to implement a contact
Alberto Mardegan <> no
1004_ContactWriter-prevent-aggregation-within-the-same-co.patch ContactWriter: prevent aggregation within the same collection .
We assume that contacts within a collection are all different.
Alberto Mardegan <> no
1005_tests-update-aggregation-test-for-contacts-in-the-sa.patch tests: update aggregation test for contacts in the same collection We don't want contacts from the same collection to get merged. Alberto Mardegan <> no
1006_add-gsettings-for-qtcontacts-sqlite.patch add gsettings for qtcontacts-sqlite Lionel Duboeuf <> no
2001_disable-failing-tests.patch Skip failing tests. Needs later investigation. Mike Gabriel <> not-needed
2002_adjust-icu-extension-name.patch In Debian, the ICU Sqlite3 extension is named 'icu' and needs to be loaded with its full path name. Mike Gabriel <> not-needed
1001_fix-qtdatetime-null-comparison.patch tests/auto/qcontactmanager/tst_qcontactmanager.cpp: Fix unit test when building against Qt 5.14 or higher.Abstract:
Compare a QDateTime object of NULL against any instatiated QDateTime
object will always result as '<=' since Qt 5.14.
Mike Gabriel <> yes
1002_tests-prepare-a-temporary-directory-for-the-database.patch tests: prepare a temporary directory for the database
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
Alberto Mardegan <> no

All known versions for source package 'qtcontacts-sqlite'
