Debian Patches

Status for r-base/4.4.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
set_R_LIBS_USER_and_SITE_in_Renviron.patch Modify R_LIBS_USER and R_LIBS_SITE for Debian settings This goes back to a decision made jointly with R Core upstream in the early
2000s to support three default directories: /usr/lib/R/library for base and recommended
packages (as part of the binary), /usr/lib/R/site-library for binary r-cran-* packages
as part of the distro, and /usr/local/lib/R/site-library for user-controlled, non-distro
packages to be visible system-wide.
A recent-ish change in R 4.2.* made it that we needed to change where we set this here
and not in which would not be read in 'R -q' mode.
r-base ( unstable; urgency=medium
[ Dirk Eddelbuettel ]
* debian/patches/set_R_LIBS_USER_and_SITE_in_Renviron.patch: Modified following
helpful email discussion with Kurt Hornik
* debian/control: Remove Depends: on perl in light of change by Giole
[ Adrian Bunk ]
* debian/rukes: Set -ffloat-store on i386
[ Giole Barabucci ]
* debian/r-base-core.postinst: Simplify one perl substitution call to sed
Dirk Eddelbuettel <> not-needed 2023-01-20
r_4_4_x_tar_archive_symlink Gravefully deal with symlink in tar archives not-needed upstream upstream 2024-09-14

All known versions for source package 'r-base'
