Debian Patches

Status for rails/2:

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Be-careful-with-that-bundler.patch Be careful with that bundler Antonio Terceiro <> no 2016-03-03
0002-disable-uglify-in-activestorage-rollup-config-js.patch rollup-plugin-uglify is not packaged, hence disabling it. no
use-system-yarnpkg.patch Use system yarnpkg instead of yarn In Debian, yarn is packaged as "yarnpkg".
This patch will replace all the "bin/yarn" usages to "bin/yarnpkg".
Jongmin Kim <> no 2019-06-21
use-system-webpacker.patch Use system webpacker Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-08-24
relax-dependencies.patch Relax dependencies
This patch will relax the dependencies version, remove useless
dependencies, or replace the gems to which is already in Debian.

Relax dependencies version:
* selenium-webdriver
* redis-nameserver (use packaged version)
* mysql2
* selenium-webdriver
* webpacker
* rack

Remove/replace dependencies:
* minitest-bisect
+ Not packaged in Debian
+ Not used (minitest is used)
* minitest-retry
+ Not packaged in Debian
+ Used only when running on Buildkite CI
* webdrivers
+ Not packaged in Debian
+ Could be replaced by chromedriver-helper (ruby-chromedriver-helper)
Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-08-24
relax-dependency-sqlite3.patch Relax dependency version - ruby-sqlite3 From Rails 6, it started using `execute_batch2` function [1] which was
introduced in gem sqlite3 1.4.0. This new function was confirmed at [1]
that extremely faster than old `execute_batch` function. However, gem
sqlite3 1.4.0 was not packaged in Debian yet (ruby-sqlite3 is 1.3.13-1+b2
in Debian), so this function could not be used.
This patch will rollback the `execute_batch2` usages to `execute_batch`.
This patch should be removed after the ruby-sqlite3 upgraded to 1.4.0.
Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-12
remove-ignored-dependencies.patch Remove ignored dependencies Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-21
skip-test-internet-access.patch Skip the tests which need Internet access .. due to Debian policy 4.9. Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-07-17
skip-test-unpackaged-dependencies.patch Skip the test due to unpackaged dependencies * websocket-client-simple
+ actioncable/client_test.rb
* sneakers
+ actionjob/Rakefile
+ actionjob/test/cases/exceptions_test.rb
* que
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* queue_classic
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* resque
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* sucker_punch
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* backburner
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* minitest-retry
+ railties/test/isolation/abstract_unit.rb
Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-21
skip-test-railties-postgresql.patch Skip the railties test which needs postgresql instance Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-24
ignore-test-stuck.patch Ignore test which goes stuck Ignore the test case which makes test stuck. Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-21
adapt-to-babel7.patch Adapt to babel7 no
replace-webdrivers.patch Replace webdrivers webdrivers can only go to contrib section no
disable-rack-mini-profiler-gem.patch Disable rack-mini-profiler
We haven't packaged this yet and it is disturbing our tests.
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-28
temporarily-disable-encoded-key-cache-behavior-test.patch Temporarily disable flaky tests
Upstream discovered several race conditions in their tests. This test is flaky.
Most of the time it works. Let's ignore it for now to be able to do the
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-29
activesupport-skip-flaky-tests.patch activesupport: skip flaky tests These tests fail randomly on the Debian CI system. This is supposed to be
fixed in rails 7.
Antonio Terceiro <> not-needed vendor 2022-04-30
replace-uglifier-terser.patch terser is better maintained fork of uglify-js no
rollup-3.patch Fix for rollup3 Nilesh Patra <> no 2022-12-04
rails-ruby3.1.patch [PATCH] Merge pull request #44083 from rails/rm-temporary-mail-fix
Temporarily add net-gems as dependencies of frameworks that use mail
=?UTF-8?q?Rafael=20Mendon=C3=A7a=20Fran=C3=A7a?= no 2022-01-05
use-puma6.patch puma in the archive is 6.x not-needed
add-rack-session-to-dependency-in-gemspec.patch no

All known versions for source package 'rails'
