Debian Patches

Status for rails/2:

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Be-careful-with-that-bundler.patch Be careful with that bundler Antonio Terceiro <> no 2025-01-08
use-system-yarnpkg.patch Use system yarnpkg instead of yarn In Debian, yarn is packaged as "yarnpkg".
This patch will replace all the "bin/yarn" usages to "bin/yarnpkg".
Jongmin Kim <> no 2019-06-21
relax-dependencies.patch Relax dependencies
This patch will relax the dependencies version, remove useless
dependencies, or replace the gems to which is already in Debian.

Relax dependencies version:
* selenium-webdriver
* redis-nameserver (use packaged version)
* mysql2
* selenium-webdriver
* webpacker

Remove/replace dependencies:
* minitest-bisect
+ Not packaged in Debian
+ Not used (minitest is used)
* minitest-retry
+ Not packaged in Debian
+ Used only when running on Buildkite CI
* webdrivers
+ Not packaged in Debian
+ Could be replaced by chromedriver-helper (ruby-chromedriver-helper)
Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-08-24
remove-ignored-dependencies.patch Remove ignored dependencies Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-21
skip-test-internet-access.patch Skip the tests which need Internet access .. due to Debian policy 4.9. Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-07-17
skip-test-unpackaged-dependencies.patch Skip the test due to unpackaged dependencies * websocket-client-simple
+ actioncable/client_test.rb
* sneakers
+ actionjob/Rakefile
+ actionjob/test/cases/exceptions_test.rb
* que
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* queue_classic
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* resque
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* sucker_punch
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* backburner
+ actionjob/Rakefile
* minitest-retry
+ railties/test/isolation/abstract_unit.rb
Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-21
skip-test-railties-postgresql.patch Skip the railties test which needs postgresql instance Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-24
ignore-test-stuck.patch Ignore test which goes stuck Ignore the test case which makes test stuck. Jongmin Kim <> not-needed 2019-06-21
adapt-to-babel7.patch Adapt to babel7 no
relax-irb.patch relax version dependency on irb gem to be dropped when ruby3.3 is the default Cédric Boutillier not-needed 2025-01-27

All known versions for source package 'rails'
