Debian Patches

Status for rapid-photo-downloader/0.9.33-1.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Disable-version-checks-on-startup.patch Disable version checks on startup

Rapid-photo-downloader performs a check for new versions on startup
upstream. In Debian, users cannot perform this update themselves
through the mechanisms offered upstream: they must perform updates
through the Debian packaging system. This check will, when the
package trickle down in Debian, trigger needless warnings when
upstream performs new releases that are not backported to stable or
LTS releases.
Antoine Beaupre <> not-needed upstream, 2018-03-14
0002-Import-setuptools-before-distutils.patch Import setuptools before distutils
setuptools 60 uses its own bunlded version of distutils, by default. It
injects this into sys.modules, at import time. So we need to make sure
that it is imported, before anything else imports distutils, to ensure
everything is using the same distutils version.

This is to prepare for Python 3.12, which will drop distutils.
Stefano Rivera <> yes debian 2022-11-09

All known versions for source package 'rapid-photo-downloader'
