Debian Patches

Status for recoverdm/0.20-9

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
50_ftbfs-with-gcc-14.patch Fix incompatible-pointer-types error causing ftbfs with gcc-14 Sectors are referenced through (char *) all over the code, with the
exception of create_sector(), where a list of sectors is expected to be of
type (unsigned char **) only for internal reasons, using characters as index
into an array and checking it against a short value of range 0..256.
This patch makes sure create_sector() does not expose its internal needs to
consider characters as unsigned, hence avoiding the pointer incompatibility.
Sven Geuer <> not-needed debian 2024-08-16
10_fix-makefile.patch add GCC hardening and fix the path to install.=================================================================== Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <> yes 2019-01-16
20_fix-typo-binary.patch fix a typo in final binary.=================================================================== Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <> yes 2019-01-16
30-fix-BTS-mergebad-crash.patch fix for crash of mergebad binary. The mergebad utility crashes when supplied a single '-s' argument.
The patch adds checking the number of supplied arguments.
diff --git a/mergebad.c b/mergebad.c
index 34a6ef7..9b1983c 100644
Aleksey Kravchenko <> yes debian 2019-01-16
40_dev-c.patch fix a notice of failure to declare a function in the build.=================================================================== Thiago Andrade Marques <> no 2020-02-29

All known versions for source package 'recoverdm'
