Debian Patches

Status for rocm-compilersupport/5.2.3-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-find-LLD-cmake-patch.patch find-LLD-cmake patch Maxime Chambonnet <> not-needed 2021-12-24
0002-fix-optional-templating.patch showed the patches to Jeremy Newton, hopefully he upstreamed. Maxime Chambonnet <> not-needed 2022-02-11
0004-dynamic-package-prefix.patch find_package(amd_comgr) cannot include amd_comgr-targets.cmake When attempting to build HIP using the instructions provided in, if the
change to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/amd_comgr/amd_comgr-config.cmake
is skipped, then the build will fail with the error:
CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/amd_comgr/amd_comgr-config.cmake:8 (include):
include could not find requested file:
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/root/ROCclr-rocm-5.1.1/cmake/ROCclrLC.cmake:21 (find_package)
/root/ROCclr-rocm-5.1.1/cmake/ROCclr.cmake:129 (include)
src/cmake/FindROCclr.cmake:51 (include)
src/CMakeLists.txt:51 (find_package)
This error is introduced by the patches 0004-Relocate-cmake-export.patch
and 0005-cmake-exports-continued.patch, which change some places where
AMD_COMGR_PACKAGE_PREFIX is used, but leave others unchanged, resulting
in inconsistencies. I recommend dropping those patches and replacing them
with a patch that fixes the behaviour earlier in the file (thereby keeping
it more consistent later):
Cordell Bloor <> no debian 2022-05-09
0005-dbg-compression-type.patch remove references to GNU for compression type Delete dead zlib-gnu code and simplify writeSectionData. ronlieb no upstream, 2022-10-19
0006-TargetRegistry.patch Comgr changes needed for llvm no upstream, 2022-10-19
0007-remove-h-option.patch comgr-objdump.cpp causes crash if loaded alongside mesa When using both and mesa with libvulkan_radeon, application
crashes with:
mesa: CommandLine Error: Option 'h' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
Abandon (core dumped)
xytovl yes upstream 2023-01-08

All known versions for source package 'rocm-compilersupport'
