Debian Patches

Status for rocprim/6.1.2-1~exp1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
arch-conversion-macro.patch add opt-in macro for arch conversion
The Debian patch that loads code objects built for a particular ISA on
all compatible hardware not supported upstream, so for a header-only
library like rocprim it seems prudent to make behaviour depending on
that to be opt-in.
Cordell Bloor <> not-needed debian 2024-03-25
test-warp-sort-ppc64el.patch disable test_warp_sort on ppc64el
This test fails to build on ppc64el with clang-17. It seems as if the
host platform affects the compiler optimization passes that are enabled
for device code.
Cordell Bloor <> not-needed debian 2024-03-25
verbose-build.patch verbose build
Some rocprim source files are large enough that they've been split into
slices to try to compile faster. However, they're still quite slow to
build on the older buildd machines. The verbose flag ensures that a
message is printed every time the compiler finishes building a
translation unit for each GPU architecture, which should help prevent
timeouts if the build is still making forward progress.
Cordell Bloor <> not-needed 2024-03-25

All known versions for source package 'rocprim'
