Debian Patches

Status for rocr-runtime/6.1.2-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-link-to-drm_amdgpu.patch link to drm_amdgpu
libhsa-runtime64 uses some symbols from libdrm_amdgpu, such as
Cordell Bloor <> no 2024-01-09 remove loading
During the initialization of libhsa-runtime64, the library will attempt
to load The aqlprofile library is an
optional proprietary extension for profiling and is therefore not
available in the Debian repos. The failure to find this library results
in the warning:

LoadLib( failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

There is not actually anything wrong or unexpected with this file being
missing, so this warning is not appropriate.
Cordell Bloor <> not-needed debian 2022-11-24
0003-expand-endian-detection.patch expand endian detection
The endianness detection logic in hsa/hsa.h fails on arm64 and ppc64el, which
leads to build failures in rccl on those platforms.
Cordell Bloor <> no debian 2024-03-15
0004-extend-isa-compatibility-check.patch extend isa compatibility check
There are a number of ISAs that are identical to each other, but are
not being treated as compatible by the upstream rocr-runtime. This
more sophisticated ISA compatibility check greatly reduces the number
of code objects that must be included in a binary in order to support
a wide variety of processors.

This change to the rocr-runtime is useless on its own, but when
combined with matching changes within rocclr and hipamd, it should
always load compatible kernels whenever possible, threreby replacing
the infamous HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION variable for running compatible
Cordell Bloor <> no 2022-07-13
0005-disable-xnack-query-print.patch disable xnack query print
If the amdgpu driver is built without HSA_AMD_SVM enabled, then KFD will
lack xnack support. This is normal and expected behaviour, so there is
no need to print a message.
Cordell Bloor <> no debian 2023-11-24
0006-initialize-chip-revision.patch initialize chip revision
This patch fixes assertions on Rembrandt hardware. There are checks
that the chip revision is valid and will fail without this patch. I'm
not sure how this chip revision data gets initialized for other
architectures, but this is where the data is initialized for Rembrandt.
Cordell Bloor <> no debian 2024-03-17
On-non-x86-use-alternative-to-x86-intrinsic-__mm_pause.patch On non-x86, use alternative to x86 intrinsic __mm_pause
Cargo-culted from various other solutions that I could find.

Not forwarded yet, as this needs double-checking. For example, on my
first pass, I overlooked that this might also be built by MSVC.
Christian Kastner <> no 2024-10-18

All known versions for source package 'rocr-runtime'
